Monday 6 June 2011

Who you are is five words, Dead Girl In a Trunk.

Just a quick one to reinforce all my twitterings about the fabulous The Killing. An American remake of a Danish drama series, it's completely brilliant and, at least in my opinion, is very similar in structure and tone to a lot of British crime serials. Shows like Waking the Dead and Silent Witness follow one case through multiple episodes, intriguing the viewer just as much with the lives of the suspects as with the detectives. The Killing is very similar and it does it so unbelievably well.

To be honest, I'm a little bit in love with it. It's a serious, intelligent, unsensationalised, american crime drama and it is a absolute breath of fresh air. In amongst all the predictable, over-the-top stuff, it really stands out.

Go watch it. Seriously, it's amazing.