Wednesday 29 June 2011

Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.

In January this year I signed myself up for the Goodreads Reading Challenge. Set yourself a target of books to read in 2011 and see if you can reach it. Now, I enjoy reading. I generally have at least one book on the go. And when I was 10, I once read 60 books in just over a month. Because of all these factors, I decided that a target of 200 wouldn’t be too bad. It would be difficult but definitely not impossible.

Six months later and witness my impending failure.

We’re halfway through the year, and I’m floundering at a measly 39 books. According to my stats, I should have read almost 100 books by this point. That’s not a great statistic and it’s certainly not a good omen.

I’m still hoping to hit 200, although its now sitting on the ‘never in a million years’ side of impossible. But I shall soldier through, possibly picking some slightly shorter books along the way (it’s not cheating, right?).

Anyway, wish me luck and, hopefully, I’ll at least break 100.