Tuesday 16 November 2010

Your blog is your unedited version of yourself.

I think it has been decided that I am a bad blogger.

I have a tendency to abandon projects halfway through unless I am completely immersed in them. That’s why twitter works. It’s there every second of every day; you have a thought and you just write it in and away it goes to the, in my case small, number of followers that you have.

Blogging involves more effort, time to think about what you want to say. It’s a mini essay every time you make a post; if it’s not important or interesting to read, then why bother putting it out there?

Maybe that’s another issue I have with blogging. Why would anyone want to read what I say? Yes, ok, I like books and films and like to think I know what I’m talking about when I dismiss or recommend titles. But, really, I’m only one person, with one tiny opinion.

So from now on, this blog is for me. I’m going to attempt to blog about what I want to blog about. I might even grace the interweb with some new poetry, if I ever get round to writing any, or post a soliloquy on my favourite song lyric that week. It might be a little juvenile but then I’m only 22.