Tuesday 23 November 2010

These are dark times. There is no denying.

So Harry Potter again. Just a quick buzz to say I loved it. So much. Bloody brilliant as Ron would say. The only slightly bad thing I have to say about it is that I feel they rushed through it a little bit. I know it was almost two and a half hours but what happened in the film takes up the large majority of the final book. The last battle isn’t one half, it’s actually a mere few chapters. I can see why they’ve done it. They can promote Part One as a quest story and then Part Two is a big old action fantasy film. I get it. It’s smart. But it’s aggravating when you feel things have been overlooked or missed out. I feel that way with most film adaptations, and with all previous Harry Potter films, but I would’ve liked to not have that this time.

However, all that said, what was lost in this film was minor compared to its many attributes. The cinematography and special effects were amazing (although there was a significant lack of the latter – saving it all for Part Two I imagine) and the actors have most definitely come into their own. Even though he wasn’t in it for long, Jason Isaacs in particular played the part of Lucius Malfoy brilliantly. I loved how Malfoy had become so unkempt and nervous because of Voldemort’s presence in his home.

Anyway, it’s still early in terms of the release so I’m not going to pick through the film because I can’t be fussed with “spoiler alert”-ing everything. I did love it though and am desperate to see it again, if only to satisfy my growing Rupert crush. In the mean time, I have succumbed slightly to PotterMania and am finding any and every source of HP related material just to keep myself sane until Deathly Hallows: Part Two. Once that’s over I have no idea what will happen. I might just curl up in a small ball and cry. Or invent new stories for the characters in my head. Possibly involving whipped cream.