Sunday 16 January 2011

Nothing can break the bond between sisters .


I just finished Sister by Rosamund Lupton the other day and oh my god. It’s brilliant. One of a few books I picked up because everyone else was reading it and I absolutely loved it. It’s beautifully written and gripping right till the end.

“Nothing can break the bond between sisters ...When Beatrice gets a frantic call in the middle of Sunday lunch to say that her younger sister, Tess, is missing, she boards the first flight home to London. But as she learns about the circumstances surrounding her sister's disappearance, she is stunned to discover how little she actually knows of her sister's life - and unprepared for the terrifying truths she must now face. The police, Beatrice's fiancé and even their mother accept they have lost Tess but Beatrice refuses to give up on her. So she embarks on a dangerous journey to discover the truth, no matter the cost."

Taken from the blurb to the book (Lupton, 2010)

I have one problem with it however, namely the identity of the murderer, who turns out to be the lovely Doctor William. He just doesn’t seem the type and even at the end of the novel when his true nature is revealed, it just seems out of character. Maybe I’m being a little naïve in wanting to believe that if someone seems good then they are but I suppose you could also argue for artistic licence here as well; we only ever see one side of William, never any nuanced shades.

Regardless of a few niggles, the book is amazing and really draws you into one woman’s desperate struggle to put her sister to rest.