Friday, 7 January 2011

Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better man.

So a new year dawns.

Bringing with it regrets? Resolutions?

It certainly gives us a sense of newness, even if nothing physically changes. The calendar moves forward one more day, as it always does and we simply interpret it as a new beginning, a fresh start.

For me, I suppose, I'm trying to see it as that. It's a whole new year, with endless possibilities and no painful memories. Not that every year has those, or doesn't, it's just nice to have an (almost) blank slate.

For example, although I don't have resolutions as such, I do have a few goals for the year. And while some of them do involve this blog, a lot of them don't. I heard somewhere that if you tell people what you want to achieve, you're less likely to succeed, so I'm going to attempt to keep my goals to myself. That way, if I fail, no one but me will know.

Knowing me, this won't last long. Although I'm great with other people's secrets, I'm terrible at keeping my own. I think I have a slightly narcissistic personality; I like to think people are thinking or talking about me. That's probably really awful but I can't help it.

Anyway, like I said, some of the goals are to do with this blog and those I will attempt to begin within the next month (I'm giving myself a laaaaaarge timeframe).

One think I do need help with though is figuring out how to add a new page onto my blog. Google here I come!