I can never quite seem to keep up with myself, can I?
Thing is, in the last few months, I've changed jobs and moved home. And while my job now leaves me more free time, that free time is much more active. Being alone, although rubbish, is very condusive to creativity. Solitary activities, like this blog, like reading, etc, become more difficult to pursue. I may just be easily distracted but I'm enjoying have a bit of social freedom again and I want to make the most of it. I have a lifetime to read, and expand my cutural horizons, but so few to drink myself stupid on a Saturday night.
It feels difficult to find the time, and inclination to read/write, let alone the inspiration. And to be honest, without the inspiration it feels forced and slightly pointless.
I wish I could promise myself I would write on this more, or even write privately more but it feels empty. I am attempting, however, to reclaim some of my "me-ness" and I suppose I should really include writing and reading in this equation.
Gah. I need more hours in the day.